02 You Are The King
03 Pledge My Head To Heaven
04 Forgive Myself
05 If You Honor Me
06 You Don't Need Me(But You Want Me)
07 Enter In
08 I Will Go
09 I Saw Him
10 Lost and Forgotten
11 Lord Of The Harvest
In 2007, armed with a purpose to share God's grace with those who've never had a chance to experience it, LaHaie embarked on a journey that has forever changed his life. He left his job as the afternoon drive personality/assistant general manager for the award-winning 99.7 Family Life Radio in Midland, Mich., to move his family across the country to Phoenix, Ariz., to join Frontiers, an international community of people inviting Muslims all over the world to follow Jesus. Of LaHaie's music ministry, which has taken him all over the United States, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, Russia and Belgium, he says, "I made this move because of the astounding grace of Jesus Christ in my life. There are people who've never had the opportunity to experience the freedom of God's forgiveness. I have a passion for reaching those people."
"Perry LaHaie's music conveys not only God's heart for the unreached, but a deep longing to be used by God for His purposes on the earth," says David Harriman, Director of Advancement for Frontiers. "Perry's sense of yearning, joy and privilege is contagious."
LaHaie is contributing half of the proceeds from the sales of Endless Fields to Frontiers. The organization has workers in over 40 Muslim countries sharing their lives and faith with their Muslim neighbors while pursuing various vocations. Their work involves everything from helping local economies through starting businesses or working for local businesses, to purifying water, to helping AIDS victims, to health care, to the arts. They show love and build trust over many years with their Muslim neighbors to win the right to share Jesus with them. Frontiers workers may stay in the field from two weeks to two years or longer. The goal of Frontiers is to establish communities of Muslim-born believers in Jesus around the world. So far, Frontiers workers have seen 200 of these fellowships birthed in the Muslim world.
With the release of Endless Fields, LaHaie hopes to extend his impact for the kingdom of God by compelling others to reach out to Muslim communities throughout the world. "It is my hope and prayer that this project will inspire followers of Jesus in America to get involved in what God is doing in the Muslim world," explains LaHaie. "I discovered that 95% of workers from the West are focused on sharing the Gospel with already reached people groups, i.e. groups of people where many believers in Jesus already exist. Only 5% of workers are focused on people groups who have not heard the Gospel even once."
"There are about 6,500 ethnic/language groups of people without the Gospel, and of those groups, there are 247 Muslim groups of 100,000 or more people with absolutely no Christian witness," LaHaie continues. "There are currently only two workers for every one million Muslims throughout the world. I know that the Lord longs for these precious people to know His love and forgiveness and for His glory to shine among them."